Roche et al 2008 Addiction
13582 workers. 40% of the Australian workforce consumed alcohol at risky or highrisk levels at least occasionally. High drinkers were up to 22 times more likely to be absent form work due to their alcohol use compared to low risk drinkers. Alcoholrelated absenteism is not restricted to small numbers of chronic heavy drinkers but also involves the much larger number of risky nondependent drinkers whi drin less frquently at risky levels. Even workers wh only drank at shortterm risky or high rsky levels infrquently (at least monthsly) or occasionally (at least yearly) were sign more likely (2,7 to 8,7 times) than lowrisk drinkers to report alcoholrelated absenteeism. Heavily skewed dempgraphically, with males, younger workers and workers in certain industry groups more likely to take an alcohol related sick day. Most of this drinking is by nondependent, risky drinkers whose pattern of drinking are readily amenable to interventions and modification. Educational programmes need to target young workers in particular. Traditionally workplace interventions have tendend to focus on employees who are chornic heavy drikers or have been identified as problems drinkers. Involve a much larger mumber of workers wh drink infrequently at risky levels.
- Alkoholeinfluss ab ,3 Promille. 1994-2003 Abnahme von alkohoisierten Unfallbeteiligten um 40%. Problem männliche Jugendliche 21-24 Jahre. Ab 35 ruhig. Durchscnitt 1,4-1,7 Promille. Bei jüngsten 18-20J auch schwere Unfällle mit wenig Alkohol. Tageszeitenverlauf zeigt Einbettung von Alkohol in Freizeitberhalten, 56% zwischen 20 und 4 Uhr. Davon mehr als Hälfte am Wochenende. Von jährlich 15000 Verurteilungen wg Straftaten im Straßenverkehr gehen 60% auf Alkohol zurück. Patienten sehen Screening durch Hausärzte entgegen deren Befürchtung durchaus positiv und sind auch änderungsbereiter als Durchschnittsgebökerung.Hausarztbesuch als günstiges motivationales Fenster.
Quelle: Jahrbuch Sucht 2005 - Rückgang der Alkoholunfälle mit Personenschaden seit 1995 um ca. 40%. Am häufigsten bei 21-24 J. Va. Abendstunden und Wochenendnachte. Ab 01.04.2001 0,5 Promille. In 2005 22.004 Alkoholunfälle mi tPersonenschaden. 603 Tote. Mittlerer BAk 1,62 Promille.
Quelle: Jahrbuch Sucht 07 - The prevalence of alcohol use disorders in the UK is estimated at 25% (dependency 7%) and primary care has been identified as the first line of reatemnt for this population. General practitioners wehre poorer at identifying harmful/hazardous drinkers when compared with dependent drinkers. The identification fo AUDs was sign lower for the 16-24 years age group compared with all other age groups. Despite targeting hazardous/harmful drinkers, still underidentified.
Quelle: Cheeta et al 2008 Addiction