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21.03.2024 Lindow

Implementing Approach-Bias Modification as Add-On to Varieties of Clinical Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorders: Results of a Multicenter RCT

In: European Addiction Research (DOI: 10.1159/000537811) 03/24

Schenkel E.J., Rinck M., Wiers R., Becker E., Mühlig S., Schöneck R., Lindenmeyer J.

05.06.2019 Lindow

Therapie-Tools: Alkohol- und Tabakabhängigkeit

Beltz: Weinheim

Lindenmeyer J., Mühlig S.

16.06.2017 Lindow

Applying the "Cognitive Bias Modification" concept to smoking cessation

Sucht, 62 (6), S. 333-354

Mühlig S., Paulick J., Lindenmeyer J., Rinck M., Cina R., Wiers R.